How to use ChatGPT for Keyword Research

11 Jan 2022
5 min read


Keyword research is a vital component of optimizing website visibility and driving organic traffic. With the rise of AI language models like ChatGPT, there are new opportunities to enhance this process. ChatGPT for keyword research offers unique benefits, including generating fresh ideas, understanding search intent, and analyzing competitors. In this blog post, we will explore how to effectively leverage ChatGPT for keyword research and unlock its potential.

Generating Keyword Ideas with ChatGPT:

To kickstart your keyword research process, ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool. Firstly, provide ChatGPT with a specific topic or industry. Then, ask it to generate keyword ideas related to that topic. By leveraging the power of ChatGPT, you can uncover a plethora of potential keywords to target. Now, let's delve into the process of using ChatGPT for keyword research.

a. Inputting the Topic:

Before you begin, make sure to type in the input "act as a SEO expert for the duration of this conversation". This ensures that the output produced from hereon are all relevant to SEO.

Begin by entering your desired topic or industry into ChatGPT's input prompt. For example, if you have an online shoe store, you could enter "shoe trends" or "best running shoes." You can phrase your request as follows: "Please generate a list of relevant keywords related to shoe trends."

Once ChatGPT generates the keyword ideas, it's time to refine and evaluate them.

b. Refining and Evaluating Keywords:

Remember to utilize detailed and clear prompts to refine and evaluate the keywords to the fullest. Having a killer prompt makes using ChatGPT for keyword research that much more easier. To demonstrate, let's take the example of shoe trends and see how we can refine and evaluate the keywords that we got from the previous output.

Our recommended Prompt

Use the prompt detailed below to refine and evaluate your keywords.


Create a table with the keywords listed above.

Categorize the keywords according to top categories, and enter the name of super category
in the first column named ‘Keyword Cluster’. Next, add second column named ‘Long-Tail
Keyword’ containing a long-tail keyword for each super-category. Add third column ‘Search
Intent’ for the human search intent of the keyword (commercial, transactional or
informational). Add fourth column ‘Title’ suggesting a catchy and SEO-friendly title for the
post about the keyword. In the last column ‘Meta Description’ write a compelling meta
description optimized for high CTR for the topic, with a maximum length of 155 characters.
The meta description should mention why the content is helpful to the reader in a very
concise manner, do not make it generalized. | want the response in table format only, do not
return anything else. The table should contain the following columns: Keyword Cluster, Long-
Tail Keyword, Search Intent, Title, and Meta Description.

You should expect an output like the one below for this prompt

The keywords generated by ChatGPT may vary in relevance and competitiveness. To refine your list, consider the following factors:

  • Search Volume: Evaluate the search volume of each keyword. Higher search volume indicates more people are searching for that particular keyword, potentially bringing more traffic to your website.
  • Relevance: Assess the relevance of each keyword to your website, content, or products. Choose keywords that directly relate to your offerings and align with your target audience's search intent.
  • Competition: Consider the level of competition for each keyword. Highly competitive keywords are more difficult to rank for, especially if your website is relatively new or lacks strong authority. Look for keywords with moderate or low competition that still have sufficient search volume.

To that end, to properly evaluate these parameters it is recommended that you use an external keyword research tool like Ahref or Google Keyword Planner.

Now that you have refined your keyword list, let's explore the next steps.

d. Keyword Expansion and Variations:

Building on the generated keywords, you can further expand your list by adding variations. This step helps capture a broader range of search queries and potential long-tail keywords that your target audience may use. ChatGPT can assist in generating these variations.

Let's explore how you can use ChatGPT to expand your keyword list with variations.

Asking for Keyword Variations:

To generate keyword variations, prompt ChatGPT with a relevant query. For example, if your primary keyword is "running shoes," you can ask ChatGPT: "Can you provide variations of 'running shoes' that include different styles, brands, or features?"

Exploring Different Types of Variations:

ChatGPT can provide a diverse range of keyword variations based on your query. These variations may include:

  • Style Variations: Ask ChatGPT for keyword variations related to different shoe styles, such as "running shoes for trail running," "lightweight running shoes," or "stability running shoes."
  • Brand Variations: Request keyword variations that include specific shoe brands, such as "Nike running shoes," "Adidas running shoes," or "New Balance running shoes."
  • Feature Variations: Seek keyword variations based on specific features or benefits, like "cushioned running shoes," "waterproof running shoes," or "breathable running shoes."
Example Prompt:

"Please provide variations of 'shoe trends' that focus on different shoe preferences such as style, brand, and feature options."

By incorporating these keyword variations, you can expand your reach and target a wider range of search queries.

Evaluating Keyword Variations:

As with the initial keyword suggestions, evaluate the keyword variations based on factors such as search volume, relevance, and competition. Prioritize variations that align with your target audience's needs and have a good balance of search volume and competition.

e. Keyword Mapping and Content Creation:

Once you have refined and expanded your keyword list, it's essential to map the keywords to relevant pages or articles on your website. This process helps ensure that your content aligns with the keywords you want to target and that you avoid keyword cannibalization.

Let's explore how to effectively map keywords and create content that drives organic traffic.

a. Assigning Primary and Secondary Keywords:

Review your keyword list and identify the primary keyword for each page or article. The primary keyword represents the main focus of the content. It should be a highly relevant and high-value keyword that aligns with the search intent of your target audience.

In addition to the primary keyword, assign secondary keywords to support the primary keyword and provide additional context. These secondary keywords can be variations or related terms that help strengthen the topical relevance of the content.

b. Creating High-Quality and Optimized Content:

Once you have identified the primary and secondary keywords, create high-quality content that incorporates these keywords naturally. Ensure that your content provides value to your audience, addresses their needs, and aligns with their search intent.

Optimize your content by strategically placing the primary keyword in the page title, headings, meta tags, and throughout the body of the content. Incorporate the secondary keywords in a way that enhances the overall relevance and comprehensiveness of the content.

c. Avoiding Keyword Cannibalization:

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages on your website target the same keyword or highly similar keywords. This can lead to confusion for search engines and result in competing pages that dilute your SEO efforts.

To avoid keyword cannibalization, review your existing content and ensure that each page has a unique primary keyword. If you discover overlapping keywords, consider consolidating or optimizing the content to avoid redundancy. Focus on creating distinct and valuable content for each keyword you want to target.

By effectively mapping keywords and creating optimized content, you can improve your website's visibility and attract relevant organic traffic.

2. Analyzing Search Intent with ChatGPT:

Understanding the intent behind user search queries is crucial for optimizing your content and driving relevant traffic. ChatGPT can assist in analyzing search intent by providing insights into the purpose and context behind specific search queries.

Let's explore how to leverage ChatGPT to gain a better understanding of user search intent.

a. Providing a Specific Search Query:

To analyze search intent, input a specific search query into ChatGPT. For example, if you're in the fitness industry and want to understand the intent behind the query "best exercises to lose belly fat," you can ask ChatGPT, "What could be the intent behind the search query 'best exercises to lose belly fat'?"

b. Identifying Informational Intent:

ChatGPT can help determine if the search query exhibits informational intent. Informational intent indicates that the user is seeking information, answers to questions, or in-depth knowledge on a particular topic. ChatGPT might suggest that the intent behind "best exercises to lose belly fat" is to gather information on effective exercises for reducing belly fat.

c. Recognizing Transactional Intent:

ChatGPT can also identify transactional intent in search queries. Transactional intent indicates that the user intends to perform an action or transaction, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or downloading a resource. For example, if the search query is "buy running shoes online," ChatGPT might infer that the intent is transactional and the user is looking to make a purchase.

d. Understanding Navigational Intent:

Navigational intent suggests that the user is looking for a specific website or web page. ChatGPT can help identify navigational intent by analyzing search queries that include brand names, product names, or specific website-related terms. For instance, if the search query is "Facebook login page," ChatGPT can indicate that the intent is navigational and the user wants to access the login page of Facebook.

By understanding user search intent, you can tailor your content to match the intent and provide valuable information or relevant actions.

3. Conducting Competitive Analysis with ChatGPT:

Analyzing your competitors' online presence and SEO strategies is crucial for identifying opportunities, understanding the competitive landscape, and improving your own SEO performance. ChatGPT can assist in conducting competitive analysis by providing insights and guidance.

Let's explore how to leverage ChatGPT to conduct effective competitive analysis for keyword research.

a. Identifying Competitors:

Start by identifying your main competitors in the industry or niche you're targeting. Input the names of your competitors into ChatGPT and ask for insights about their online presence and SEO strategies. For example, you could ask, "What are the main online competitors for my business and what SEO strategies do they employ?"

b. Analyzing Website Content:

Ask ChatGPT to analyze the content on your competitors' websites. Inquire about the topics they cover, the keywords they target, and the overall quality of their content. This information can help you identify gaps or areas where you can differentiate your content and target keywords that are currently untapped by your competitors.

c. Exploring Backlink Profiles:

Backlinks play a crucial role in SEO. Ask ChatGPT to analyze your competitors' backlink profiles. Inquire about the quantity and quality of their backlinks, the domains linking to their websites, and the anchor texts used. This analysis can help you identify potential link-building opportunities and gain insights into the types of websites that link to your competitors.

d. Understanding On-Page Optimization:

On-page optimization is essential for ranking well in search engine results. Prompt ChatGPT to provide insights on your competitors' on-page optimization strategies. Ask about their title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and keyword usage. This information can help you understand how your competitors optimize their pages and guide your own optimization efforts.

By conducting a comprehensive competitive analysis, you can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to outperform your competitors in the search rankings.

Remember to adjust the content and visuals to fit your specific industry and audience. Competitive analysis is an essential part of keyword research, helping you gain insights into your competitors' strategies and identify opportunities to enhance your own SEO performance.


ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can revolutionize your keyword research efforts. By using ChatGPT for generating keyword ideas, understanding search intent, analyzing competitors, and exploring long-tail keywords, you can enhance your SEO strategy and drive organic traffic to your website. Remember, combining the insights from ChatGPT with traditional keyword research tools and your SEO expertise is the key to achieving optimal results. Embrace the power of ChatGPT for keyword research and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of SEO.

However, it is important to remember that ChatGPT is not always accurate and as such it is better to be cautious and verify the outputs ChatGPT has provided with existing keyword research tools. You can learn all about them in our comprehensive SEO Course. Sign up today and upscale your online presence with our course taught by industry veterans

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